Monday, 30 June 2008

Clueless about constitution(s)!!!!

I am the first to admit that I am totally clueless and out of touch with current affairs. But I did start reading up on the usual goss sites, and kept coming across 'new constitution'. It got a bit confusing for me ... and here is why

wasn't it sometime back that there was this big hoo haa about this 'new one' about being the same ol' old one? Wasn't it becuase our dear old president wanted to run for election again?? and I remember MDP making a huge fuss about it. You can understand my confusion when I saw 'new constitution' in three or more headlines in DO itself!

Some one clue me in, what the heck is happening now? Do we have a new constitution or do we still have the old one which has been ammeded.

man, remind me never to drop off the face of blogsphere again!

oh yeah , my e-mail add is, I changed it ages ago, but still get some to my old old old inbox, which i never check!


  1. i believe its still the old one with some ammendments. havent been upto date with it myself.

  2. It doesn't matter if its the new one or the old one, its just what they want it to be. Business tycoons in the Majlis is playing a game. If you look at how much money they are making, you would also agree that their main objective is to cash in as much as they can from this. Sad, sad for ordinary maldivian folks

  3. Kaiza - yeah thats what I believe, but, why the heck would DO and minivan news make such a blunder after they fought with they eyes and teeth to prove that it was the old one?

    Andhu - money drives everyone these days - or so it seems. and right now the parliment is a sound cash cow. I wonder how they sleep at night!

  4. i had the entertaining pleasure to witness one of the meetings. that night someone started talking in addoo. when the other members started complaining that they didnt understand, they were replied with sumthing which went kinda like this. "u should know addoo. its still the livehi language. i should be able to speak in it if i want. and they should be teaching it in schools as well". and the whole night was wasted on the topic whether or not it should be taught in schools. O.O this was the majilis for gods sake.

  5. hehhee, its prbably too cliche' is I said "typical" heheh but it is typical parliment isn't it? I woudn't say its typical maldivian MP's I think it is some sort of afflication that affects MPS throughout the world!

  6. Athena, DO, Minivan, MDP and cohorts had been politicking. They worked on the premise that if the constitution were deemed "amended", somehow Gayoom could be forced to relinquish office on the grounds that he had already seen through more than two terms. Now that MDP is in tatters and they know that Gayoom will be back for a 6th term, they have forgotten their previous hair-splitting pedantics.

    (P.S.: er "pedantics"- I coined that word just then, but seems appropriate in this case)

  7. Is that a 7th term?

  8. I never liked MDP, never really trusted them to begin with. (that goes for the rest of the so called parties), and it seems people are slowing waking up from the haze of the MDP woven webs.

    yeah, a new term for Gayoom would mean a 7th term, which is just one term too many
