Tuesday, 16 September 2008

DO's new shade

For someone who is a self professed idiot on politics, I do notice a few things. And yeah I do do read DO occasionally. Of recent I have noticed that, DO has become extremely RED instead of the typical YELLOW it has been using. Wonder whether sappe has gotten tired of colours, or whether, one colur is superior to the other, OR whether RED is just representative of a stronger notion, or simply put a representation of power.

I wonder, what the long term consequences of this change in colour would be, or WHETHER it even has any long term or short term consequence, who knows, maybe he just likes that Red over yellow?

Hmmmmm, I think I am dehydrated, probably ranting again.

Hope everyone who observes Ramadan is having a great time. Those who aren't oh well, have a great time too.

Oh yeah, if anyone is around my neighbourhood, do drop by :)


  1. G'day Athena,

    Buruma Sappe has always been Red. The Yellow was just a convenient and transient veneer; wolf in sheep's clothing, so to speak. Now the veneer has simply peeled off, just like a used condom off a limp member.

    Did you read the Haveeru article that described an episode of media censorship by the Reds (www.haveeru.com.mv/?page=details&id=73493)? Our Sappe has been doing that all these years he's been online.

    By the way, thank you for remembering to wish me well in your post "...Those who aren't oh well, have a great time too" :) When is this big starve finishing anyway? I will think of you when I have my bacon and egg brekky this weekend!


  2. Good morning my friend. Yeah, there was always rumours that Sappe has always been in Buruma's Pockets. But this sudden about turn... I guess I shoudn't have been so suprised. But thats politicians for you!

    Atleast good ol' Peters seems to be almost out of the running this time. then again He didn't do too great in Trnga last time either! but still got the high profile.

    Who do you think would get in this year? Labour or National?

  3. Athena, I wouldnt call it an about turn. This is my take on it.

    From what I heard on the grapevine, DO was always sponsored by the Burumaa. In fact, MDP was sponsored by Burumaa for a long time. You know he was one of their founder members.

    So when Burumaa and Anni got divorced recently and therefore had to "mudhaa bahaa" so as to speak, Burumaa got to keep the Pet! hehe

    Thus, Sappe's change of collar colour from yellow to red!

  4. Buruma and his money do get around. Yeah I know, that he used to be MDP, oh well. And oh yeah, I hear that he is the major sponser of IDP as well. pretty soon, he would have all of them in his little pocket, if not already! I do like your term "mudha bahaa"

  5. guess what...if gasim ibrahim supports maumoon in the second round of the election DO sappe's gonna have butterflies in his stomach...
    Heck...we might even see a blue DO..
