Saturday, 22 September 2007

In the name of Allah....

As muslims when we do something we always say

"In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful".

I am just wondering and curious as to, what exactly should we do in Allah(SWT).

Is it right to kill innocent human beings in the name of Allah (SWT) or is it an injustice and a crime done? How can you justify these killings or jihads, where innocent lives are taken away??

The Allah(swt) I am familiar with is the most gracious and the most merciful of all. So where do these 'terrorsits' get off saying that they are doing this for Allah(swt) and for Islam???

And more disturbingly, how did the Taliban or what did the Taliban get off on, when they committed those atrocities against women and children in Afghanistan??
To keep it close to home, where do some of these self proclaimed "sheiks" get off on telling women what to do, what to not to do, how to speak, how not to speak, where to walk, where to sleep, and bla bla bla in the Name of Islam and Allah(swt?). How do they justify it??
And least but not last, WHAT ABOUT YOU??? How do you justify to yourself, that;

1) it is alright for an adult male to marry a girl child? (would you stand back if that was your little girl?)

2) that is is alright for women to sleep on the floor while the husband gets the bed - because a wife should never be in the same category as their husband?

3)it is alright to lock your wife and children in the house, in case they dared to show their face? who is responsible, in case of a fire and they suffocate to death?

I could go on and on. I just don't understand how people justify these by using or rather abusing Islam. And most of all, why are people turnig a blind eye to this??



  1. Check it out:

    A Hetha

    Iraj & Delon feat. Shani

  2. Thanks SS. Thats a nice song

  3. its very simple. like you have your own intepretation of islam, they too have their own intepretation. and the ends justify the means.

    when ppl do look into these matters they get 3 answers:
    1. INFIDEL!! APOSTATE!! KAFIR!! kill him!
    2. you're wrong. i am right. you'll go to Hell
    3. Qaala Ta'alaa.. (arabic gibberish) yada Fiqh.. blah blah fatwa.. blah blah Sheikh Osama

    in other words, we dont understand them coz we lack the proper knowledge to argue with them, or our two intepretations are just too different and there is no way of reconciliation. so some ppl are AFRAID of being labelled as heretic or hell-denizens by their superiors in islam and give up. plus its not affecting some ppl directly, so they dont bother until things get out of hand. so carelessness and cowardice?

  4. Hi anonymous

    How interesting. As far as I understand, there is and was only one Quran (hence the word of Allah) which has not changed since the day it was brought to this earth. How can there be two meanings to that??
    And I thought the religion of islam was about peace, tolerance and submission, so how can jihadists kill in the name of Allah??
    And don't we as muslims follow the word of the Prophet? not some bearded freak?
    So how come so much has been left up to intepretation??
    What about social responsibility??

    I guess I have are more questions

    unless, someone out there wants to stand up and try answering a few questions

  5. There is one Quran which is concise and poetic and hence vague, and can lead to lots of intepretations. Remember the black/white thread incident? Same with the words of the Prophet, they can be intepreted literally or metaphorically. Who decides how to intepret them? The follower ofcourse, since no one actually wants to listen to any authority of islam, and even if we do listen to one we'll listen to what we like. And so we have as many versions of islam as there are followers. Peace, tolerance and submission are not well-defined in islam. Peace for whom? Tolerance to what extent and of what actions? Submission to what limits? Are we to turn the other cheek if we are being attacked by a 'Kaafir' country, for the sake of peace? Are we to tolerate people who dont pray 5 times a day or fornicate? Are we to sumbit to the orders of the Prophet when he says that no two religions should co-exist in Arabia? Are we to sumbit to God when He says to cut off the hand of the theif, or to kill the fornicator? I am sure you have your own answers to these questions based on your intepretations. So do i. And so do others. Which is all I am saying. There are a million versions, its all personal. Why is it left for intepretation? Because we dont like religion forced down our throats. The official version is always the version of those who are in power at the moment, but we're all tired of their version being forced on us. So we forget their intepretations, go back to the sources and figure things out for ourselves. as for responsiblity, how can that exist when there is no unity in the first place? Everyone says 'i am right, you're wrong', how can we uphold any laws then? Maybe with a secular govt? Yes, I do agree there is SOME common ground, like the 5 pillars of faith and 5 pillars of worship, but there are too many differences in the rest of the religion, that its hard to come to a compromise.

  6. Read the Koran , Hadith , and Sirath and its all about sexual perversion, murder etc.
    Muslims are a primitive people who copycat Mohammed - a pedophile, rapist, slave trader and murderer.
    No wonder Muslims are screaming "allah akbar' as they behead and slaughter the "kaafaru".
    Islam is a primitive, evil and dangerous cult.

  7. Hi Athena,

    these questions are the same that i think abt constantly and the answer i've come to is, it's all about control. all about being right and condemning others... I have suffered because of these interpretations and i cry for all those women out there who not only suffer but blv it is their place to suffer

  8. the stuff that uve mentioned, i must say that i have to agree with them. but i dont believe in the interpretations that uve stated. like u said, god is almighty, all powerful, most gracious and merciful. and yea, there are verses of jihad etc. but i believe ur referring to the extremists when referring to those in afghanistan. and the points uve stated, i wasnt under the impression that those were stuff that should be followed in islam. thats a bit too extreme dont u think? and we are free to do it our way. we are doing it even now arent we? many meanings or interpretations can be taken from those verses. everyone has a mind of their own and we can think for ourselves whether if its right or wrong and to what extent besides those verses that gives a certain and specific interpretation.

    and abt listening to sheikhs, i dont think most of us know the language arab. so we cant actually blame it all and take as an excuse those ppl that do nd how they mean the verses. if we have any complains about it and if we are truly interested in islam and the laws that god has implemented, we'll learn arab and read it for ourselves. but we dont now do we? i know friends who have. i guess we arent that much interested and we jes dont give a damn. that all we can do is complain about this and that in islam.

  9. anonymous 1 - I really liked your comment, very nicely put, but it just came down to more questions and interpretations didn't it?? I am beggning to think that its cyclic and never ending

    anonymous 2 - It is a popular among muslim haters that its all about sex and so on. I wonder whether you are basing your view on just a few groups of followers?

  10. Dhiyey - yes it is about control, I totally agree with you. If you think about it, a lot of people use Islam as a political tool don't they? Even our own country is like that

    Kazia Shozey - All the examples (questions) I used are from MAldives. Not from a far off country like Afghanistan.

    And the so called sheikhs I mentioned are all Maldivian who speak dhivehi. I am not blind to the changing Maldives. A lot of my friends (in their books they can't even be friends with me because they are not allowed to keep contact with me anymore - I dont wear a bodu buruga) experience these things. They have to sleep on the floor, they have to walk behind their husbands on the road when they are allowed on the rare occasion. and it has become a common occurence to lock the women from the outside when the menfolk go off to do whatever they are doing.

    Isn't that too close for comfort? this is happening right in the midst of Maldives, right bfore your eyes. So how can you say that its left for interpretation and everything is right and rosy? after all these women and kids are someones' sisters or relatives.

    How far are you going to extend the "I don't give a damn" attitude? Are we going to wait for this sect of people to extablish their owncourts and start stoning women in front of our eyes??

    Where is the social responsibility in that???

  11. i know ur referring mainly to maldivians. but look here athena. u rnt wearing a boduburugaa etc etc. why? cos u chose not to. ur free to do what u want and believe in what u want. so are all those who are doing those stuff that u seem to despise so much.

    There are drug addicts here in the maldives, ppl who steal, rape and even kill. stuff which i believe are far worse than these extremists in ur opinion. im not with them. im not that religous either. but jes becos i believe in some stuff doesnt mean everyone else has to do the same. if they wanna wear bodu burugaa, trod behind men etc, they can and they will. we cant do anything about it.

    there are loads of maldivians who influence little children to do into drugs thieving etc, and we all know it. that doesnt mean that i have to do drugs or any of those stuff. i think ull get what im trying to say. they chose it themselves.

  12. Hi Kaisa Shozey

    I don't despise bodu buruga at all. I don't know HOW you got THAT Idea. Please point out to me where I have said anytihng against bodu buruga. And if thats the choice, then I have no problem with it at all.
    but what I do have a problem is, when women DON'T have a CHOICE. Just open your eyes and look at things clearly. How many women are being forced into the Bodu Buruga? and you call that, being locked in their own homes a choice?? you might well say that, if that is their choice then well and enough. But I say that its dangerous to them. what happens if there is a fire and they can't get out? What I am talking about is social responsibility here. Don't mix it up with Bodu Buruga.
    I am talking about pretend Sheikhs who knows absolutely nothing about religion, yet they pretend to know it all and quote stuff that has no relevence. But to wield power.
    So what is there to interpret??
    Just as an example, look at the Adhalath Website - mind you I chanced upon this link just a few mins ago.
    Here is one simple example of their negligence and irresponsibility when it come to religious Fatwas.
    One guy asks if it is ok (in the religious sense) to drive his wife's younger sister to school on his motorbke.
    The answer they gave was a very Definite NO
    Based on some whoo haa story which had almost no relevence to the question and they dind't even give reference.
    Is this religious interpretation or promotion of own agenda here??
    here is the link see for yourself

    And how exactly are you comparing drug abuse to religious extremism? If you asked a drug addict, they would no doubt say that they had no choice, that they are slaves to the drugs and they are a product of our society.

    and even from that comparison I see that you DON't get my point. I have nothing against fundamentalism, if it is adhering to the word of Allah and Prophet Mohamed. what i have a problem is when, people make up their own rules. But enough said. You will either get my point or not. as you say, your choice...


    umm its a sahih hadith from Bukhari i am afraid. though i agree he should have given a reference to the source. maybe he felt its very well known. :S

  14. Hi anonymous

    I wish all the anonymous people would put down a name of some sort! but thats just me.

    Anyway, I checked out Bukhari 5232 as suggested, from bukhari itself, and the hadith is something about sacrifice! hehehe

    Anyway, yes the one you pointed to really exist, BUT, in to authentic Bukhari books, one refers to the husband's family while the others refer to the wife's. Might seem a small matter, but when it is reproduced as law it does matter!

    And just in case any one is interested, Hadith started getting written down 80 years after the prophet (saw) died. I am sure that we all have heard of chinese whispers, even if itsn't that bad, are you really going to tell me, after 80 years people really related things down the generations as it was done and said by the prophet exactly???

  15. Athena,

    I haven't read all of the comments here but I would like to make a brief comment based on that lazy habit of mine - skim reading: You said "And don't we as muslims follow the word of the Prophet? not some bearded freak?" I thought you were a Quran-only Muslim, Athena. So how exactly do you go about following the word of your Allah’s prophet? Anyway, this is me just getting difficult as usual!

    I also noticed from some of the comments here and elsewhere in your blog that some respondents presume a lot about you- incorrectly, of course.... chuckle, chuckle!

  16. Dear athena's ex-muslim friend

    I obviously am not referring to the prophet mohammed (saw).

    The term 'freaks' is soley reserved for the pretend mullahs and sheikhs.

    So there is no conflict with the Quran. And as usual YOu would point that out!

    Presume , assume, thats what people do best isn't it? Plus I don't have a problem with people's assumptions of me, its their choice.
    but yeah, some of it are funny :) I'm just glad that I laugh them off....
