10. Partisan Politics - We are against anything that any other political party(or not) is for
09. ..We have a law on drugs, we have a center, so everything is going smooth why change?
08. Gym Coach Mentality - The only solution is 'getting tough', treatment isn't tough enough
07. Think of how many MDP/opposition members woudn't be in Prison
06. Rehabilitation costs too much - and think of all the Rich elite who need MORE money!
05. More partison politics - We the government cannot afford to be seen as soft on drugs
04. Competitive Zeal - we are number one at arresting people for drug offences in the region
03. Tolerance is bad - We should be serious about punishment because we are becoming too tolerant folks
02. War Mentality - If we stop sending them to prison now, then the addicts would have won.
And the number one reason
01. The compassionate Maldivian Public - Let them rot in Jail! they are filth, we should kill them

Ah, to be a Maldivian